Macro Photography Workshop

Are you attracted to the wonderful micro world of flora and fauna? Take this opportunity to learn how to perfectly capture butterflies, dragonflies and plants: small objects for great images.

Backlit Scarlet darter

Discover the wondrous beauty of nature in close-up

Orchid amidst buttercup
Vuuurlibel in High Key

Zooming in on photography

This workshop explores the various aspects of macro and close-up photography. In addition to adjusting the settings on our camera we also learn about aperture, depth of field and manual focus. This workshop will also pay particular attention to the creative interpretation of the subject by playing with light and backlight, silhouettes, high-key and creating a beautiful bokeh. Finally, I also provide some information on field knowledge, an important part of macro photography.

Ruddy darter
Backlit spider


We start the day with a morning session in the field in search of insects which will be much easier to approach and may even be covered with a few dew drops from the previous night. As we start before sunrise, we’ll enjoy the most beautiful hours of the day and we shoot in soft, warm morning light.

Later in the morning when most insects have warmed up and are not so easily photographed anymore, we switch to photographing all kinds of flora. These objects are less sensitive to light and temperature and will reward us with some beautiful pictures. We learn to experiment with bokeh, light and shadow.

Please note: the program of this workshop may change based on the weather conditions or the Corona measures applicable at that time.

Dit vonden de deelnemers van de vorige edities

"Was uitermate heel tevreden over de manier van lesgeven, aangename dag beleeft en vooral veel kennis opgedaan. U geeft werkelijk uw kennis door, proficiat!!! Waar ik kan, beveel ik uw workshops aan." - C. Lepez

"Een pluim voor de verzorgde workshop en de goede begeleiding."

Is this workshop right for you?

Suitable for photographers of all levels. However, you should have a macro lens and know where to find the main settings of your camera.

In case of bad weather, there is a chance that the workshop will have to be postponed, so you are expected to keep the entire weekend (including nearby holidays) free. This way I can choose the best day based on the weather and guarantee all participants the best possible workshop.

What is included?

  • One-to-one guidance: the group is kept small to guarantee this
  • A practical cheat sheet with a summary of the most important settings and features
  • Personal follow-up after the workshop via email
  • Free use of all equipment during the workshop
  • Coffee, tea, drink & snack

Workshop details

  • Sat 31 May 2025, 05:00 - 13:00 (5 places left)
  • Sat 07 June 2025, 05:00 - 13:00 (5 places left)

Dorp, Zevergem

No. of participants

min 7 - max 8


189 euro

What will you learn?

  • Camera settings & controls
  • Exposure & histogram
  • Compositie
  • Depth of field and bokeh
  • Creative approach to macro photography
  • Field craft

What do you need?

  • (Digital) reflex camera or mirrorless
  • Tripod
  • Macro lens
  • Knee cushion
  • Waterproof boots

Subscribe now for this workshop

Name and firstname as mentioned on your passport. Administrative costs made due to mistakes in these fields will be charged to the client.